He was giving his collection away for nothing 他将收藏品无偿捐献出来。
She heard her father shouting that her mother was stupid, useless, and good for nothing but her money. 她听到父亲叫嚷说母亲愚蠢无能,除了有点钱外一无是处。
'People like doing things for nothing.' — 'I know they do.' “人们喜欢没事找事。”——“我知道确实是那样。”
The furniture was threadbare; he'd obviously picked it up for nothing 这件家具很破旧,显然他是白捡来的了。
They care for nothing but fighting. 他们只知道打架,什么也不关心。
Not for nothing was the plane called 'The widow-maker' 这种飞机被称作“寡妇机”是事出有因的。
It's not for nothing that interior decorators the world over look to the English country garden for glorious inspiration. 全世界的室内设计师都希望从英国乡村花园汲取美妙的灵感,这并非没有道理。
What's wrong with you is that you think you can get something for nothing. 你的问题是你认为自己可以不劳而获。
Pantelaras was giving his art collection away for nothing, to spite Marie and her husband. 潘特拉拉斯将自己的艺术藏品全都无偿捐了出去,存心要激怒玛丽和她的丈夫。
He often loses his temper for nothing. 他常常无缘无故地使性子。
He was at his wits 'end, having worked a year for nothing. 他哭不得笑不得,一年的气力白费了。
All efforts are not made for nothing. 功不唐捐。
You gave me the wrong address and made me go all that way for nothing. 你把地址搞错了,害得我白跑了一趟。
They quarrelled for nothing. 他们无端大吵一场。
You needn't bother your head for nothing. 你不要白费心思。
Everybody has his own merits and demerits. One should never think that he is perfect while others are all good for nothing. 每个人都有自己的优点和缺点,不要把别人都看成百无一是,把自己看成十全十美。
All my trouble went for nothing. 我的一切辛苦都白费了。
I've been working on this book for six years, and all for nothing. 我已经花了六年时间写这部书,却毫无获。
Don't take any notice of kehr; she always cries for nothing. 别理睬凯尔,她总是不为什么事就哭。
I wish for nothing more than to live a decent life. 除了过上像样的生活,我别无奢求。
He did the job for nothing. 他做那工作没有报酬。
He cares for nothing but seeking fame and wealth. 他是个极功利的人。
Our work was all for nothing, and we must start over again. 咱们干的全算白饶,得打头儿重来。
She has realized it is a serious mistake to regard me as a little kid who counts for nothing. 她意识到把我看作是一个无足轻重的小孩子是一个严重的错误。
We bought these six chairs, and they gave us the other one for nothing. 我们买了六把椅子,他们又免费送了我们一把。
I got this booklist for nothing. 我免费得到了这本书目。
If you praise her, you are good for nothing. 但要是你不赞美她,那你就一无是处了。
You, good for nothing, you hit somebody? What did you do? 你撞了人吗?你干了什么?